HRM's Finest? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, September 26, 2008

HRM's Finest?

Is the Halifax Regional Police seriously understaffed? Or are they having a having a 'racist-alcoholic-sexist-incompetent cop' recruitment drive??The other day, I'm sipping on my dark roast, flipping through my morning Herald when I come across a story

Posted on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 1:45 PM

Is the Halifax Regional Police seriously understaffed? Or are they having a having a 'racist-alcoholic-sexist-incompetent cop' recruitment drive??

The other day, I'm sipping on my dark roast, flipping through my morning Herald when I come across a story that involves a cadet cop (web nazi says i can't name him, sorry) who basically got a big pat on the back and a gold star on his file for helping nab a perp. I knew this cop cadet. He had dated my best friend a few years ago, got her pregnant and left the country (he alleges when trying to pick up girls that he was playing hockey in Australia....?) without ever calling her again. I had to accompany her to terminate the child he cared nothing about. (not interested in arguing my use of the word 'child', if you wanna argue that, start a blog)

Then one night, I pick up a load of my friends after they left the bars, and a guy stumbles up to my car and taps on the window.

He leans in with his polo collar popped, wreaking of liquor and slurs "Hey pretty girl, I'm a COP!!!!" and pulls out his little training badge and starts touching every part of me he can reach from outside my window. "Can I come with you guys? I'm a COP and I say you and your friends have to come home with me"

Realizing that he was just some drunken idiot wanna-be frat boy, i pushed his hands and stupid (what i thought was pretend) badge out of my window and started up my car. He slurs "I'm pullin' you guys over" but I ignored the "police order" and drove off. My friend who was in the back seat says to me "don't you remember him?" i didnt. She tells me his is the guy who, years ago, left my best friend in the lurch. Of course i wanted to swing my car back around and plow his ass down, but I didn't think too much about the cop thing, I figured he stole the badge from someone.

Then I read the paper the other day and there, staring up at me is his name, age and place of residence and it all matches.

I swear, after all this rambling, I have a bitch: Who in the fucking hell does background checks on these fucks?! I conducted a background search of my own after my best friend slept with him for the LAST time because he tried to hold her down after she said no, and put himself inside her with no condom after she told him to stop. he never let her get up to get a condom. you know the rest of the story.

I found out just by talking to a few mutual acquaintances that this guy is a total sadist, HATES women, constantly hauls out his badge when drunk to fuck with younger guys or hot girls. I've heard many girls laugh about him, saying he gets way too wasted and ALWAYS pulls out the badge when he's out and trying to get laid.

I'm getting the fuck out of here, this place is turning into some 'Clockwork Orange' bullshit. The thugs and lowlives are beating and swarming people in the same places every day, and no one can catch them? it's because all their cadets and cops are too busy tripping on all that power, trying to pick up girls, posing for facebook photos and eating fucking Timmies.

scared for the future of our city...

After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?

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After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?