Best Tattoo Artist 2015 | HFX Tattoo Company | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Tattoo Artist

HFX Tattoo Company

Best Tattoo Artist, Helena Darling

Gold Winner Helena Darling, HFX Tattoo Company

Silver Winner Amber Thorpe, Adept Tattoos

Bronze Winner Lydia K., Gem Tattoo Co.

With everyone from the crustiest punk to your own grandmother up for ink these days, competition has never been stiffer in the tattoo game. This year you drew an intricate line around Helena Darling at the HFX Tattoo Company. “What a huge honour, I almost can’t believe it. I am feeling so elated and full of joy that my community and clients think enough of me and my work to vote for me,” she says. “I think I won because I have amazing clients who work with me to create pieces we are both super-happy with, and I have worked really hard over the last couple years to grow and prove myself a serious and professional artist that is dedicated to giving high-quality tattoos. There is so much unbelievable talent in Halifax that to be voted for really means a lot.”

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