How a unique gym in Halifax is revolutionizing the training industry | Advertiser Content | Healthcare | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

How a unique gym in Halifax is revolutionizing the training industry

No matter where you’re at in your fitness or training journey, Proedge has a plan and a safe space for you

How a unique gym in Halifax is revolutionizing the training industry
Submitted by Proedge
Chernise, Will & Joy at Proedge

We’ve spent the last two years working…from home, hanging out…at home, so it’s time to get back out in the world, and get back into the gym. It might initially feel intimidating, but nothing sparks motivation and accountability like finding a community of like-minded individuals — which is exactly what Proedge Elite Training is all about.

As Halifax’s first coworking gym, Proedge is revolutionizing the training industry by offering a space that’s exclusively dedicated to supporting the lifestyle of their trainers and helping them start up their small businesses.

“Unlike other gyms, I can rent from Proedge and run my own business from there without all the worry or hassle of leasing a space or working as an employee of another gym,” Joey Daniel, owner of The Hybrid Method Fitness and Nutrition, says.

All Proedge trainers have the flexibility of setting their own hours, pricing, developing their own programs to best serve clients’ needs and goals, and can even bring their existing clients on board—and those clients don’t have to worry about paying another gym membership fee either.

Joey’s training programming focuses on meeting clients where they’re at and then prescribing a diagnostic plan tailored to the clients’ objectives and needs. “I always strive to understand my clients’ ‘why’. It’s never about losing 10lbs; it’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind what they want,” Joey explains how he shapes his clients’ nutrition, fitness, accountability, and recovery plan.

Proedge empowers their trainers in a comfortable, welcoming, and supportive environment, which then translates to the clients’ experience as well. “I’ve worked at a lot of gyms and I have to say that this facility has the hardest working clients,” Joey says. “ I believe that this is because Proedge is strictly a personal training facility, which creates a unique environment that allows coaches to push their clients beyond their perceived limits.”

Joey adds that the facility has everything needed to train and progress their clients, including other trainers, which provides great comradery and encourages the exchange of ideas and knowledge about training and nutrition. This collaborative environment is what makes Proedge such a positive and uplifting space, where workouts are more efficient and health and wellness goals are reached faster.

When you support Proedge, you’re not just supporting one small business but a wealth of community members including: each trainer’s business, PELVICO Health Centre, and the Black Wellness Cooperative of Nova Scotia. You’ll also be supporting and empowering yourself! When you sign on with a trainer, you’re officially giving yourself permission to improve your health and increase your quality of life. And who knows? Your actions might just inspire others to do the same!

No matter where you’re at in your fitness or training journey, Proedge has a plan and a safe space for you. Move better and feel stronger by finding your personal trainer at Proedge, or if you’re thinking of becoming a personal trainer and want to be set up for success, find out more about Proedge Trainers.

This content has been developed and paid for by ProEdge without involvement from The Coast’s editorial department.