newbiewon | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since May 6, 2015


  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 01/25/2017 at 8:22 AM
    Newsflash! Most guys are nice. Being nice is a basic requirement of all people actually. It is literally the most basic expectation we have of ourselves and all the people in our life. This bitch is describing it as if it's some extra magnificent quality that should automatically get her mediocre guy pal through the door. I'm with the friend on this too.
  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 01/11/2017 at 10:22 PM
    Re: “Halifax Transit
    Why is it that seventy percent of the bitches on here are about public transit? Enough please! We get it.
  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 01/09/2017 at 4:03 PM
    People who resume date/marry rarely end up happy. Sometimes even with every ideal ticky box trait met you you realize a few years later that everything you wanted on paper does not actually make you happy. And what you needed all along was someone different from yourself to keep things interesting and help bring out and nurture different qualities in yourself. You should be looking for someone who makes you laugh, respects you, adds to the quality of your life daily (this could take many forms), has the same overall life goals, deals with conflict well, and is willing to stick by your side authentically through the ups and downs. Most other things are negotiable.
    You seem shallow and high on yourself. I doubt you'd even be compatible with someone the same. I think you'd need someone less accomplished and more nurturing to be impressed and supportive of your ambitions actually.
    Do yourself a favour and stop resume dating.
  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 12/12/2016 at 8:41 AM
    Re: “I Don't Want Kids!
    So GV you are basically indicating that what you are talking about is not relating to children at all.

    Also I agree with this bitch. I am 39 and have chosen not to have children. And it is a choice I still have to justify to family or friends or a random stranger at least once a month or so. I even had one person say that the whole purpose of all species is to procreate. And if I'm not fulfilling that purpose I'm either defective or serve no purpose in society. Hopefully these views will change at some point. Also, I've always wondered if men are subjected to similar amounts of pressure on this issue or is it just women who are seen as messed up or confused when wanting a child-free life.
  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 08/31/2016 at 11:44 AM
    I agree with oceanchick. You can either be busy making a stand or busy making a life. The choice is yours.
  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 08/31/2016 at 8:28 AM
    Studies have actually been done to see if things like attractiveness, gender, how people speak etc affects how people rate service, likability etc. And sorry for your luck but people do judge a book by its cover and form an impression within like thirty seconds of meeting someone.
    When someone is hiring you they are not just hiring you for your skill. You represent their company. You put a face to it. You represent the type of clientele they want to attract. For example, a high-end clothing store will not hire a haggard toothless women to work there. Their wealthy clientele would not shop there. And the company is there to make money.
    I get that tattoos are a personal choice and that many people see it as art. But not everyone does. Maybe that will change one day but in the meantime either live with your ill thought out choices or get them removed.
  • Posted by:
    newbiewon on 08/24/2016 at 9:55 AM
    This bitch and the expected tipping custom in Canada bothers me so freaking much!!! We've adopted a 15 to 20 percent tipping culture because that is what our American neighbors do and for years we've seen it on tv etc. What people don't realize is that American servers actually make much less than minimum wage in the service industry and tipping actually supliments their income and is not actually an extra most of the time.
    In Canada, our servers make at least minimum wage. To be relative to the states our servers should actually only get tipped about 5 percent. Most people don't realize this and think a small tip is insulting.
    In Canada we actually have one of the most inflated tipping standards in the entire would. Most countries don't have a tipping culture at all.
    So please stop friggin bitching about your tips!!! and stop being so friggin entitled!!!
    You refilled drinks and smiled because it's your job. You get paid to do it. End of story.