This is why you're single | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

This is why you're single

Posted on Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 4:00 PM

Bestie, I don't want to hear it anymore. You went on about being tired of dating douchebags and being single. Everyone in our group is coupled and you're solo at 38, and that bugs you. Ever wonder why you're single?

You are too picky! You just stopped seeing this really sweet 35-year-old man because he didn't make enough money and had no goals! You have a business degree and work in a management position at a certain large financial institution while he works as a janitor. When you found out that he's always broke at the end of the month, you asked him if he had plans to go back to school and find something better. When he told you no, you told him it wouldn't work out. Yes, you make more money than him. But what's wrong with you, the woman, being the breadwinner?! It's 2017, for fuck's sakes, time to evolve!

My sister and I have known him for many years and I can tell you, he is the most sweetest, caring, sensitive guy you would ever want to meet. And so what if he's not, and likely never will be, making as much? He's a nice guy! Better than being with some asshole! Also, it's not like he doesn't have a job at all!

So he might not be able to afford what you can, he might not be as financially/economically successful as you are, but he can offer this: love, emotional support, his kind nature, his company and his arms wrapped around you on the couch after you've had a tough day at work.

That's really what you should look for in a partner, not a high income! Some of those career-guys you've dated were the biggest jerks and made your life Hell! Money isn't everything and I reckon you're going to be single well into your 40s if you don't eventually learn that life lesson. –Personality > Money any day in my books!

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