Best Vegetarian-friendly Restaurant 2017 | enVie - A Vegan Kitchen | Food + Drink

Best of Halifax

Best Vegetarian-friendly Restaurant

enVie - A Vegan Kitchen

Best Vegetarian-friendly Restaurant

Gold Winner enVie—A Vegan Kitchen

Silver Winner The Wooden Monkey, Halifax

Bronze Winner Heartwood

“Winner winner tofu dinner!” is Cory Urquhart’s initial reaction to enVie topping this category yet again. And while it’s a perfect acceptance speech, he also takes a minute to credit the veg-centric eatery’s success to the dining experience (and the food, duh), but also his staff and their ability to balance work and fun. “More than half of our customers aren’t vegan or vegetarian, so we have always had dishes that appeal to carnivores as well as herbivores,” says Urquhart. “We aren’t here to be a pushy vegan restaurant that wants to force you into eating plants, that’s not what we are about. We just want people to do their part to make the world a better place like we are trying to do, and enjoy themselves when they walk through the door to eat, like we all do when we show up to work everyday.”

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