You've gotta ski the rock. And then sing on it. Since you're already there. | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

You've gotta ski the rock. And then sing on it. Since you're already there.

It's ECMA weekend in some parts of the world.

When not showcasing, hey rosetta will be conducting tours of the greater Corner Brook area. (photo Julé Malet-Veale)

Not everybody (AHEM) could make the long, pricey trek to Corner Brook, NL for the East Coast Music Awards this weekend. So feel like you're there by watching the show at 8pm on Sunday on Bold (the Ceeb's digital channel)—though if you can afford fancy cable you're probably over there snowboarding right now—or online here OR at the highly coveted slot of 11pm on CBC proper.

Coast faves up for noms include Jill Barber, Christina Martin, David Myles and hey rosetta, all of whom will be performing on the show. We'll try to pull some peeps out of their ferry fog on Monday to get some reports from the weekend's festivities.

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