Libeskind love | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Libeskind love

The world-renowned architect returns to Halifax, February 10.

Daniel Libeskind's Wheel of Conscience at Pier 21.

Last week architect Daniel Libeskind unveiled his new monument, the Wheel of Conscience at Pier 21. The bold, powerful sculpture memorializes Canada’s 1939 refusal of entry to the over 900 Jewish refugees, who were onboard the M.S. St. Louis. After being turned away, approximately a third of those refugees were killed in the holocaust. Libeskind, best known for his glass-shard redesign of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, his World Trade Centre redesign proposal and Berlin’s Jewish Museum, will return to Pier 21 on February 10 for a NSCAD lecture on architecture and art. The talk is free, and starts at 7pm.

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