Generation HPX: Halifax Pop Explosion 2017 | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Generation HPX: Halifax Pop Explosion 2017

Take in dozens of performers at one of the city's biggest fall events.

click to enlarge Generation HPX: Halifax Pop Explosion 2017
Waleed Khurshid
Lido Pimienta is lit.

Here we go—the music event Haligonians have been waiting for is finally here. The only problem is, how will you choose who to go see? Maybe our profiles below will help you narrow it down.

Ms. Banks
Charlotte Day Wilson
Cloud Nothings
The Courtneys
Lido Pimienta
Patrick Watson
The Rural Alberta Advantage
Tasha the Amazon
Yamantaka // Sonic Titan

While you're at it, check out some favourite releases from Forward Music Group.
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