Unsaid | Love the Way We Love

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Posted on Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 2:03 PM

The night I called you, it was to tell you that I think I fell in love with you that very first night. I was so nervous that I actually wrote down what I wanted to say, but I chickened out. Looking back, I know it was for the best, because the timing was all wrong. We both had other issues that needed to be put to rest & a lot of growing up to do. I just want you to know that even though a lot of time has passed, I never stopped loving you. Despite the changes in my life, there is never a day that goes by when you don't cross my mind. Other people, misunderstandings & embarrassment kept us apart, but now, if you would meet me half way, I promise you I would find the words. —Wordsworth

After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?

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After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?