Cop Bitches | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cop Bitches

Posted on Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:58 PM

I'm not a cop, and I never will be. But what's with all the police related bitches? If I had a quarter for everytime I heard "he took him to the ground for no reason!"... Cops have a job to do. A job that most of you don't understand because you work at a coffee shop. They need to ensure their safety and the safety of everyone around them. Your friend may be a harmless organic hippie, but how do the cops know he isn't carrying a 6 inch knife on him? What do you think would happen if cops trusted civilians as much as you all seem to want them to?

We all make mistakes, cops included. And I'll never deny the fact that we have some dick head police officers in HRM. But for the most part these are good guys and gals just doing their jobs. They have wives, husbands and children and quite frankly coming home safe at the end of the day is a hell of a lot more important than your friend's opinion on how they handled a situation.

On top of that, for those of you who bitch that you or your friends got "restrained" or however you want to phrase it... I never hear anyone mention that they broke a bone, or even twisted an ankle... It's one thing if a cop beats you senseless, it's another if they perform a proper take down resulting in no injuries to you or the officer.

What I'm trying to say is shut the fuck up. 99% of you who bitch about cops would be an absolutely terrible one yourself. —You Probably Deserved It

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After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?