Fuck, men can be PIGS! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fuck, men can be PIGS!

Here's how it all started: I met this guy thru this online dating site, we went on a couple of dates. We got along great. Eventually, we had sex. It was NOT very good at all. But I took it as him having an 'off' night, maybe he was just nervous, you know

Posted on Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 6:43 PM

Here's how it all started: I met this guy thru this online dating site, we went on a couple of dates. We got along great. Eventually, we had sex. It was NOT very good at all. But I took it as him having an 'off' night, maybe he was just nervous, you know, so I figured I'd give him another chance. I think I might have even been 'off' as well.

I called him 2 days later, no answer, I left a message, he didn't get back to me. So I emailed him, told him I wanted to see him again.

For two weeks, I heard nothing from him. So I emailed him again. No answer for another week.

Then, another week goes by, and then (after about a month after we had sex), I got an email from him.

Get this! This is what he fucking wrote to me (I copied word-for-word from his e-mail):

"Hey (my name): This isn't gonna work out. I admit, I was ignoring you cuz I was hoping you'd give up. I need someone to pleasure me, and you can't do it, to be honest. I'm sorry, (my name). Now to be totally blatant: I'm doubting how much sexual experience you've actually had. You're 26, but I've slept with 18-year-old women who were more skilled than you. You have way too much pubic hair than I'd prefer, and you have the strangest smell down there if you know what I mean. I'm sorry, really. You needed to know."


I was literally vibrating, I was so shocked and infuriated. As if it was all MY fault that the sex was bad! Maybe if his penis wasn't so small....... FUCK I'm not going into that. What's even worse is that I have no way of telling the cunt off unless I happen to run into him randomly. He blocked me from email and changed his fucking phone number! And we did it that one time at MY place, so he only knows where I live, not the other way around! Too much hair, smelly pussy, amateur sexual skills at 26, I don't fucking think so!!!!!!

One angry woman

After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?

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After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?