One lane or Imminent death for a stranger | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

One lane or Imminent death for a stranger

Posted on Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:00 AM

The on-ramp from Barrington Street to get on the Macdonald Bridge is one lane, until the top. It is clearly marked. I know you all think that squeezing over to be able to make two lanes is just being friendly to the other drivers, especially in rush hour traffic, but it is actually a potential hazard. The ramp is wide, yes, but not for you to squeeze two lanes in. It’s so that, heaven forbid, an emergency vehicle needing to get by in a hurry can pass through. Just imagine if that ambulance is carrying your chid, or loved one, or on the way to go save their life from an accident or such. You would want them to get up that ramp as quickly as possible. Stop honking at me, like I AM the one doing something wrong. KEEP IT ONE LANE PEOPLE! —Annoyed with commuters

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