Urban Home renovates | Shoptalk | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Urban Home renovates

North end furniture outlet going through changes

The tell-tale brown paper roll is covering the windows, along with big "Renovating" signs. Watch this space for more info on the Urban Home (5689 Cunard Street, 463-1400) changes and reopening strategy....

UPDATED Friday, March 2, 11:30am

We heard from Urban Home owner Jim Kennedy, who writes in an email: "We've been working with Napkin works, a local company to help redesign the store so with their help we're offering a new look. We've also spent our first year identifying which lines are most suitable for our customers and which offer the best service so we've focused on these and cut out the others. We love the neighborhood and have been fortunate throughout our first year so in trying to offer customers our best we'll have a new look and more in the way of lighting and accessories." Expect Urban Home to finish renovating in the middle of next week, with reopening treats including no tax and free delivery on all purchases.
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