Best Furniture Store 2017 | Attica Furnishings | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Furniture Store

Attica Furnishings

Gold Winner and Hall of Fame inductee Attica Furnishings

Silver Winner Wheaton's, Sackville

Bronze Winner Project 9

Editor's note: With its 2017 Best Furniture Store win marking at least 10 golds in a row, Attica joins the Best of Halifax Hall of Fame.

Suzanne Saul has a manifesto for Attica, the furniture store she started in 1995 with her husband Christopher Joyce. We are not furniture sellers, the manifesto states, we are furniture makers and designers, we are custom, we are bespoke, we are personal. The point being, Attica doesn’t want to be any old place where you can buy any old desk. Refusing to join the giant manufacturers in selling disposable products made with cheap materials and exploitable labour, Attica works with companies and brands that share its values. “When I look at where the world’s going,” Saul says. “I’d rather be on my side of small, independent, custom and quality.” And an unbroken string of gold wins—going back over a decade in this category—shows that Haligonians appreciate the effort. Attica has won so many times, this year it has achieved the ultimate honour of induction to the Best of Halifax Hall of Fame. Not just the Best Furniture Store in 2017, Attica is officially Halifax’s Best Furniture Store Ever.

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