Best Yoga Instructor 2013 | 42° Fitness and Wellness | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Yoga Instructor

42° Fitness and Wellness

Gold Winner Kristin Johnston, Bikram Yoga Halifax

Silver Winner Sherry Zak, Halifax Yoga

Bronze Winner Maxine Jeffrey, Therapeutic Approach Yoga Studio

While Kristin Johnston won’t sugar-coat the realities of your first Bikram class—it’s going to be hot, it’s going to be hard and most likely it’ll shove you out of your comfort zone—she’s quick to remind you not to give up, because it gets better. “I try to really emphasize the fact that anybody can be in that room. No matter size, shape, gender...anybody can walk through that door and feel like they should be here.” Just two years after opening her Bikram Yoga studio, Johnston has built her own, very sweaty, community.
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