Reviewer unmoved by Cars 2 | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Reviewer unmoved by Cars 2

Lead character in Pixar animation an annoying stereotype

Pixar's run of quality animated movies is stellar, with the first Cars the exception proving the rule: It looked good, but was hollow as a wheel-well. The sequel exists only because the merch haul of the first one was so large, and somehow it manages to be slicker, more action-packed, and even less moving. Its biggest mistake is putting irritating tow-truck Mater (Larry the Cable Guy) front and centre of a high speed global espionage and racing tale. The character embodies the dullest of American myths, that the uncouth hayseed with a good heart always wins the day. A couple saving graces: Michael Caine as an Aston Martin superspy and John Turturro as a cocky Italian race car, rockin' his thickest accent since Jesus Quintana. (I kept hoping he's say, "Nobody fucks with the Formula One!")

Cars 2 is not showing in any theaters in the area.

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