Landry has been a comedian for nine years and he's been funny for six. Those are his words, not mine. "You can quote me on that," he says.
In fact, Landry describes his demeanour during his early stand-up as "very rigid."
"I was very shy onstage," he recalls. "It took me years to get comfortable where I could even look somebody in the face [while] on stage. I used to just look above the audience."
An important factor in building confidence as a comedian was to become comfortable with the possibility of failing: "To know that maybe this might not work, but it's not the end of the world. And then you get funnier, you get more consistent."
After all, there's always going to be that one person who doesn't laugh.
"I always tell myself they don't speak English," he says, "it makes me feel better."
Landry also learned that strictly sticking to a setlist isn't the best way to perform his bit. These days, he likes to read the audience as he goes along. That's what he plans to do as he hits up Halifax this week.
"I just kind of feel it out and whatever the crowd is into, I'll go in that direction," he says. "I hope and pray that it works."
Originally from Kitchener, Ontario, Landry now calls Atlanta home. There's not a big difference between how he approaches his Canadian and American audiences, he says, "funny is funny."
For the most part, "funny" for Landry involves drawing on personal stories and experiences.
"It's easier for me to write jokes when I have an emotion attached to the topic."