Gutless White Trash | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gutless White Trash

Posted on Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:17 PM

To the shit for brains who threw a piece of banana at me as I was trying to feed a stray cat on Windsor a few weeks ago: Grow the fuck up and get a life!! Hemingway claimed that his cats were smarter and more loyal than most people he knew and he was right. I told a vet this last year when I came to pick up one of my dear cats who had just died. I could barely stand or talk. My cat died far too young and he was far smarter than any asshole throwing bananas from the safety of a car. Why are there never any rocks around when you really need them? —mpoitras

After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?

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After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?