To the dumb-fucks out on saturday night... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

To the dumb-fucks out on saturday night...

Posted on Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:11 AM

Why the hell did you have to beat the shit out of each other? I was at the a bar on saturday night, celebrating a friends birthday, the night was great, until we left.

Myself and the birthday girl were outside waiting for our friends to get their coats so we could go home. In the 10 minutes between leaving the bar and our friends emerging, you immature little pricks started a huge brawl in the parking lot...over petty insults.

I saw 3HREE(!!!) guys, all of whom were trying to break up the fight, get laid out, one in particular was very seriously injured due to one of the jackasses punting him in the skull 2-3 times.

To the little blonde dip-shit with the fucked up teeth, in the blue dress shirt, I hope you get run over by a snow plow!

Because of the state of the guy that your friend dropped, I felt compelled to call 911. Then because i did that (it WAS the right thing to do) we had to stand outside for almost an hour giving a police report, a waste of time, because I'm sure you little dicks didn't get charged with shit.

I just don't get it...what is fighting going to prove?

A BIG thanks to the two ladies who tried to break up the first couple of fights, and to HALIFAX REGIONAL POLICE for responding so quickly! Thank you for getting there before things got worse!


After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?

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After 47 years, Bud the Spud's chip wagon won't be returning to its spot outside the old library. What should take its place?