I hope you have a guardian angel | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

I hope you have a guardian angel

To the elderly lady who was crossing against all of the traffic lights on Sunday on Spring Garden road- PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF WHILE CROSSING THE ROAD. I yelled at you to look out as you crossed twice while the lights were red. I just hope for your

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 3:19 PM

Published January 11, 2007.I hope you have a guardian angel

To the elderly lady who was crossing against all of the traffic lights on Sunday on Spring Garden road- PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF WHILE CROSSING THE ROAD. I yelled at you to look out as you crossed twice while the lights were red. I just hope for your sake that someone watches out for you because some of the drivers won't.

some guy named something or other

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