Touring Green - Blog 31: Brandon to Portage La Prairie (June 21) | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Touring Green - Blog 31: Brandon to Portage La Prairie (June 21)

Snakes, Why Does It Always Have To Be Snakes

Well, as I mentioned before my camera was broken (hence no photos or video blogs for the past week!).

Maybe that was a good thing as, on the hi-way you're always running into sticks and bits of tires and squiggly bits of discarded rope or bungee (usually think nothing of it); today was no exception as I was biking towards another squiggly bit of a dark but lined bit of bungee, or so I thought as it suddenly moved as I became within inches of it (keep in mind; the knees are sore, the speedometer is broken and I've had a couple long days so we're not talking flying by this thing):

Turned out to be a Garter Snake:

I would have stopped to blog it for you guys but the whole broken camera thing made me just keep listening to my Beach Boys. It seemed fitting that I was listening to Landlocked/Adult Child too as I cycled through the prairies with the coast seeming so distant.

"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So… get on your way!" - Dr. Seuss


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