Time to get angry | Education | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Time to get angry

Join in with fellow activists and civic-minded heroes who are fighting the good fight.

Time to get angry
Student protesters demand lower tuition in Halifax.

Halifax has a lot of great things going for it. It also has more than its fair share of bullshit. Feeling pissed off about the state of the world? You’re not alone. Student activism is usually derided by internet commenters as sound and fury signifying little real-world experience or effective change. Fuck those assholes. That righteous anger fuels the engines of progress, even if it’s based on little more than the apparently shameful delusion that you can help. There are dozens of engaged, hard-working people and organizations in this town fighting to make things better.

Ecology Action Centre
The EAC is at the heart of environmental advocacy in Nova Scotia. The group investigates and reports on issues from coastal waters and urban development to the energy industry and wilderness protection.
2705 Fern Lane
[email protected]

South House
All forms of oppression are feminist issues, says South House. That’s why the student-funded and volunteer-driven resource centre works to smash the patriarchy by advocating for anti-oppression around HRM.
1443 Seymour Street
[email protected]

Solidarity Halifax
Anti-capitalist advocates who are fight in support of workers, low-income residents and communities exploited by political or economic interests.
[email protected]

It’s More Than Buses
A grassroots group lobbying for better transit choices from HRM, including more frequent, reliable service in the downtown core and a transfer-based network.
[email protected]

Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project
Since 1995 the NSRAP has been fighting for equality for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, including the ongoing fight for a better health care system for transgender Nova Scotians.
5675 Spring Garden Road
[email protected]

The Action Group for Better Architecture in 
Nova Scotia
AGBANS formed earlier this year to advance the public’s voice in Halifax’s architecture and planning as the city continues to skyrocket upwards. It offers a discounted student membership fee of $10 a year.
[email protected]

Halifax Cycling Coalition
Formed in 2007 after the death of a cyclist on Barrington Street, the HCC continues the fight for improved cycling conditions while also raising awareness of cycling issues at both city hall and throughout the HRM.

Association of Community Organizations for 
Reform Now (ACORN)
The Nova Scotia branch of ACORN has been busy, advocating on behalf of low-income tenants dealing with slumlords and the pest-filled living conditions in public housing. It’s also led the charge for landlord licensing in HRM, and lobbied for affordable high-speed internet.
3115 Veith Street
[email protected]

Rad Pride
A radical political alternative to Halifax Pride, Rad Pride is volunteer-driven and aims to produce creative, critical events during Pride, to re-examine issues affecting LGBT+ individuals in a decolonizing, anti-capitalist light.
[email protected]

Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities and Community Health (ENRICH) Project
A partnership between researchers, students, community leaders and volunteers to analyze and address the economic, social and health effects of environmental racism towards Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian communities.
5869 University Avenue

Feed Nova Scotia
Each year Feed Nova Scotia distributes millions of kilograms in donated food to their network of 147 food banks and meal programs. The not-for-profit also raises awareness of hunger and poverty issues throughout the province.
213 Bedford Highway
[email protected]

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