All Hail The Midtown Tavern | Shoptalk | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

All Hail The Midtown Tavern

New Midtown "customer-friendly and lady-friendly," say owners of their new home in Boomers on Grafton. Note: after tavern hours, the space becomes Boomers nightclub again.

“The other place is done. It went out with a bang, but we’re happy here,” says Midtown co-owner Eric Grant of his establishment, which was much beloved at its previous location---for 60 years at the corner of Grafton and Prince. Since the beginning of September it’s just a block north of there at 1744 Grafton, right on the corner of George Street, across from the Metro Centre. Grant describes the new location as “unbelievable” in terms of its traffic and appeal to both its traditional customer base and newcomers. “Everybody loves it,” he says, explaining that with the large windows in front, people wander by and see all the friendly faces within and want to join them. “It’s new-customer-friendly and lady-friendly,” says Grant. The ease of access to the Metro Centre is certainly a plus for them, too. “We were only a block further away before, but now [customers] hang around for an extra drink” before the hockey game or the concert. “And when the Mooseheads win, they come back afterward.” But Grant assures Shoptalk and all the former denizens of the Midtown that if we drop in we will find very little about the place changed, aside from the locale and 25 extra seats. Also keep in mind, Boomers Lounge still exists at the same location, the club kicking into gear every night after 10:30pm.
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