Synchronized Swimming | Health | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Synchronized Swimming

Part 17 of our series on how to get into the Canada Games sport yourself.

Synchronized Swimming
Even before the Canada Games, synchronized swimming has seen a rise in popularity in Halifax.

Dancing in water while holding your breath? If you’ve ever wondered how Sylvie Frechette made it look so effortless, and secretly wanted to take the synchro swim plunge, you’re not alone. The past few years have seen a rise in interest in adult (masters) level synchronized swimming. Atlantis Synchro offers adult recreational and competitive programs for all levels of ability, and boasts Nova Scotia’s largest team. Get in touch with them and, in no time at all, you’ll be sporting that funny nose plug and making a splash in Halifax’s chlorinated waters.

Altantis Synchro, 1167 Dalhousie Street, 425-5050.

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