A novel idea | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

A novel idea

Robyn Moody's Butterflies. Species At Risk At The Edge Of Reason is every bibliophile's fantasy.

A novel idea
Robyn Moody puts endangered books on a pedestal.

It's almost eerie, the way the dimly lit room and soft mechanics combine with the beating pages of historically banned books like Last Exit to Brooklyn, The Satanic Verses or To Kill a Mocking Bird and almost seem to hum with life. Robyn Moody's installation is something straight out of Hogwarts, every bibliophile's secret fantasy—the Calgary-based artist has literally put the "beautiful and threatened ideas" of great authors on a pedestal, but not just any pedestal, at Eyelevel Gallery the novels perch on metal machines that open and close the books at varying times and heights, the only light beaming onto the pages themselves. Squint your eyes and the inspiration isn't just obvious, it's downright awe-inspiring. Whimsical but subversive, Moody's butterfly books—after been endangered politically or otherwise—finally find sanctuary here.

Robyn Moody: Butterflies. Species At Risk At The Edge Of Reason
To February 23, 425-6412
Eyelevel Gallery, 2159 Gottingen Street,

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