Buyers and Sellers Take Warning | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Buyers and Sellers Take Warning

Posted on Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:00 PM

You had a month to collect my things you left behind. You had another month to make it right. Thanks for shinning me on with the lies and empty promises, leaving it long enough to make me start sounding petty. Maybe you just couldn't face up to the mistake and hoped I'd just go away if you ignored me... maybe something else. I don't care. I tried to keep it in house with a note but, even though it is her name on the line, she didn't give a wit. I've notified the BBB. To all potential home buyers and sellers. Make sure you check the bottom line twice. My agent not only screwed me out of personal property but I was almost screwed on the commission. If I hadn't checked the math myself it would have cost me an extra $2k! I've bought and sold 4 houses and the status quo for service seems to follow that you need to make damn sure you close ALL your business and tie up all YOUR loose ends with your agent BEFORE you pay them out. Otherwise, good fucking luck getting anything out of them once you do. —I'll never use another corporate shyster again!

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