You mean, passing lanes have a purpose? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

You mean, passing lanes have a purpose?

Posted on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:37 AM

Hello Drivers. You know that left lane on the highway? The one beside the right lane? That's called the “passing lane.” Not the “sitting-there-driving-the-same-fucking-speed-as-the-person-beside-you-in-the-right-lane lane.” The passing lane. Here is a scenario for you: you are in the right lane and decide the vehicle in front of you is moving too slowly. You would like to go faster. You put on your left signal (no, that stick beside the steering wheel is not just for decoration), check to ensure you are not going to run into someone who is already in the left lane, then move into the left lane, speed up until you have passed the slower vehicle in the right lane, signal right (oh yes, you get to signal again! See how easy it is when you practice?) and then move back into the right lane, now in front of the slower vehicle. Repeat as required. Simple, right? Now perhaps the dozens of people I see on my drive into work can try this out some time. Fuck. -This Is Not So Hard

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