slow trucks on the mag | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

slow trucks on the mag

Posted on Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:00 PM

Yesterday, I left burnside doing the speedlimit, and there was traffic all around me.

This guy in a milk truck (maybe a courrier) gets to the mag hill and slows down to 45 km/h. It backed up traffic for atleast a km. It would not surprise me if over 1000 vehicles were affected.

This pisses me off. It wasn't a fuel truck or any other huge rig. There is no excuse to drive that slow. Why? Because all trucks in this country need to meet DOT regulations, AND i am pretty certain that a truck incapable of performing as well as a 30 year old VW Beetle would not be approved for our roads. What does that tell me? The driver is an arse, not an idiot - he knows how to drive, he is just a really huge arse! —face in palm

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