No, thank you | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, November 12, 2012

No, thank you

Posted on Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:13 AM

Wanna know what's irritating as hell? Coming to work every day to be solicited while you're trying to do your job. I work for a fairly large company who employs roughly 300 people. On a daily basis, someone is making his/her rounds throughout the building, asking if you'd like donate money to _____ charity. How about a ticket for little Johnny's softball team? Chocolate bars for Sally's school campaign? Girl guide cookies? Pies? Avon? Tupperware? Fucking TEALIGHT CANDLES? Jesus fucking christ people. This is a place of business. It's bad enough that I can't walk from my car into the grocery store without being harassed for money, but at work? I donate money to charities when I can, and once in awhile I will part with a few dollars to support these organizations, but I come here to fucking MAKE money, not spend it. If I gave money for everything you people are trying to sell, I'd actually be PAYING to work here. —Putting a 'Do Not Solicit' Sign in Front of My Cube

No-Loblaw May begins today, to protest the company's profiteering off one of life's necessities: food. Where do you land on this campaign?

No-Loblaw May begins today, to protest the company's profiteering off one of life's necessities: food.  Where do you land on this campaign?
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No-Loblaw May begins today, to protest the company's profiteering off one of life's necessities: food. Where do you land on this campaign?

No-Loblaw May begins today, to protest the company's profiteering off one of life's necessities: food.  Where do you land on this campaign?