Giving up | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Giving up

Posted on Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:44 AM

I've never lived in a city with more issues in my life. Every day it seems there is something else to be angry or depressed about. I'm so tired of it. Every morning I wake up and ask myself why I live here. Most days I feel like I am living someone else's life. I'm so much better than this and I know in my heart that I deserve better. It's not fair. I'm supposed to be living the California dream. I should have been there by now. Palm trees and the beach are supposed to be right outside my window. Instead I'm on the opposite side of the country surrounded by punks, rain and litter. I feel like I am stuck and the only thing that gets me out of bed every day are dreams of the future. Everything about this city brings out the worst in me, and I find it so easy to give up on the things I have worked so hard for. It just seems like everything is always a constant issue. Everyone here is either depressed, stoned, or highly intoxicated, and it is not hard to imagine why. I'm usually the one preaching to others about never giving up, being happy, living every day as if it was your last, and never doing anything you don't agree or feel comfortable with, but lately I find myself doing the exact opposite. —Living One Day at a Time

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