Kind of a Bitch kind of a Love... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Kind of a Bitch kind of a Love...

Posted on Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:25 AM

I wanted to submit a Love but it's kinda a bitch too... I went out Saturday morning for breakfast in downtown Halifax and discovered that the place I went to had a 2 dollar breakfast! I was shocked to see the breakfast that came out! It was amazing! Props for having that on the menu. My bitch about my breakfast is about the customers around me who were also enjoying this amazing deal... Why were you talking to the waitress so rudely about your tea water being filled and your coffee cups getting low? I watched her run around filling glasses and delivering and taking orders to like 15 tables! Have some patience, relax, enjoy your meal and enjoy your deal, she was obviously extremely busy. To my waitress, I know that table was rude to you but I wanted to let you know that everyone at my table appreciated you busting ass for all those tables and we will be back next Saturday! —Full belly

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