Stolen suitcase | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stolen suitcase

Posted on Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:41 PM

When I went to my car yesterday parked on Garrick Avenue to grab my guitar, I popped the trunk to find that BOTH guitars and my old-school suitcase full of clothes were missing. At first I thought maybe I'd already brought them into the house, and then I thought maybe somebody else had as a favour.

But what actually happened is some asshole desperate for cash stole my Dad's 30-year-old Epiphone, my beat-up Stella guitar that's worth about $5 and my old-fashioned blue suitcase stuffed with a vacation's load of dirty clothes (my favourite ones and all of my underwear). Who the fuck steals a suitcase?

What scares me the most is that my clothes will be thrown somewhere as a 'free for all' down some alleyway for people to grab at, dirty underwear left in the rain (maybe it will get cleaned?). And my guitars, well I haven't fully recovered from that yet.

If anyone comes across anything of these sorts feel free to e-mail [email protected]. No questions asked. —Qu'est-Ce-Qui Fuck

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