Bitching Entertainment | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bitching Entertainment

This is not a bitch but kudos to people like Matt, Leo, NMH, and Christopher. Guys you truly keep this place an entertaining site to keep coming back to. Who needs reality TV when I can be assured that one of you (or all) will have some kind of scathing

Posted on Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 11:00 AM

This is not a bitch but kudos to people like Matt, Leo, NMH, and Christopher. Guys you truly keep this place an entertaining site to keep coming back to. Who needs reality TV when I can be assured that one of you (or all) will have some kind of scathing comment about each others replies. The only disappointment is that you are all probably too meek in real life cos I would love to see the lot of you in some Battle Royal on WWE or something. Oh and please feel free to reply to this so I may be continued to be entertained for hours on end.

Love the way you guys bitch at each other

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