AnnoyedDriver | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Oct 11, 2013


  • Posted by:
    AnnoyedDriver on 07/17/2015 at 12:16 PM
    Actually there isn't two lanes. I'm aware that right now none of the lines are as visible as they should be, but here's a view from Google Streetview showing very clearly that the two lanes merge into one beside Petro Can. The white dotted line showing two lanes very clearly stops, which indicates there is no longer two lanes in that direction, but only one (a lane wide enough to park in while vehicles drive past, but still one lane) So how about YOU step right back to driver's ed? :P,-63.…
  • Posted by:
    AnnoyedDriver on 07/15/2015 at 12:12 AM
    From the NS Motor Vehicle Act:
    Rule for lane merge
    111A (1) Where two lanes of a street or highway merge into one lane,
    the driver of a vehicle in the left lane shall yield the right of way to a vehicle in the
    right lane unless the driver of the vehicle in the right lane is directed by a sign to
    yield to the vehicle in the left lane.

    You're wrong OP, please feel free shred your husband's license. Not only can he clearly not follow the rules of the road, he feels the need to honk the horn at someone who is clearly in the right, while he's in the wrong. It doesn't get much more ignorant than that.

    Have a nice day! ;)
  • Posted by:
    AnnoyedDriver on 10/11/2013 at 12:58 PM
    My point is that there IS an instance where in a marked or unmarked crosswalk, pedestrians don't have the right of way. Nukka it was you who stated that pedestrians do not have to yield right of way in a crosswalk, well in fact according to this law, they do... I didn't post a reference, but pasted the info here because the majority of people on the internet are too stupid/lazy to actually follow up and do any sort of reading if only a reference is posted. This makes it easier for those people. Meaty I really don't have that attitude towards pedestrians, in all honesty I stop more for people crossing the road than the average driver. And when I'm stopped at a crosswalk to let you cross and someone comes flying through from the other way, or from behind me, I honk my horn to try to save you from getting hit, and let them know that they've done wrong. I don't have a negative attitude towards pedestrians, cyclists, or other road users for that matter. I only get annoyed when they think they have ultimate right of way since it is a crosswalk, even if they have a do not walk light.
  • Posted by:
    AnnoyedDriver on 10/11/2013 at 11:56 AM
    Actually pedestrians do have some duty to follow laws even when in crosswalks... Motor vehicle act of NS section 93 subsection 2 "(i) “don’t walk” light - pedestrian traffic facing this signal,
    either flashing or solid, shall not start to cross the roadway in the
    direction of the signal;" "(2) The drivers of vehicles, pedestrians, and all other traffic
    approaching or at an intersection or on a part of the highway controlled by any of
    the traffic signals mentioned in subsection (1) shall act in obedience to the traffic
    signals in accordance with the following instructions:
    (a) green light or flashing green light - all vehicular traffic
    facing this signal may proceed unless otherwise directed by a traffic
    sign or a peace officer but shall yield the right of way to pedestrians
    lawfully in the crosswalk and other vehicles lawfully in an intersection
    and, unless otherwise directed by a traffic sign or signal, pedestrians
    may proceed on a green light only in a crosswalk towards the
    sign or signal and shall not proceed on a flashing green light;
    (b) green arrow light - all vehicular traffic facing this signal
    may proceed but only in a direction indicated by an arrow unless
    otherwise directed by a peace officer but shall yield the right of way
    to pedestrians lawfully in a crosswalk and other vehicles lawfully in
    an intersection, and pedestrians may proceed only in a crosswalk
    towards the signal unless otherwise directed by a traffic sign or signal;"... So according to this, I only have to yield right of way to pedestrians LAWFULLY in the cross walk.. Does that mean I can run them over when they walk on th e "do not walk" light? Sounds to me like pedestrians who think they have 100% right of way all the time on the road need to understand the law more. There are times when the light is still green, yet the walk sign indicates for pedestrians not to walk. This should give drivers a chance to make a turn in a heavy pedestrian traffic area, rather than have people keep walking until the light changes for the cars as they do all the time here in Halifax, and get angry when the cars try to proceed through them.

No-Loblaw May begins today, to protest the company's profiteering off one of life's necessities: food. Where do you land on this campaign?

No-Loblaw May begins today, to protest the company's profiteering off one of life's necessities: food.  Where do you land on this campaign?