Canada's other mayors | The Coast Halifax

Canada's other mayors

Here's a few notables.

Vancouver - Gregor Robertson

Organic farmer becomes mayor of huge city. Biggest controversies are an unpaid transit ticket and calling fucking hacks "fucking hacks." Generally left of centre, Robertson scored points for Olympics, lost points for riots.

Edmonton - Stephen Mandel

Mandel has established himself as the darling of the not-batshit-insane wing of the Alberta Conservative Party. He wants to turn the city's garbage processing into a profit-making venture, and he's big on subsidizing sports stadiums. For this, he's widely popular, getting 55 percent of the vote.

Saskatoon - Donald Atchison

Rick Mercer calls Atchison "Canada's craziest mayor," which is about 10 times better than being "Canada's most embarrassing mayor." Atchison wanted to put a dome over part of downtown, and requires that people entering his office be formally dressed, preferably with suits bought at the men's clothing store he owns.

Winnipeg - Sam Katz

Property developer and impresario turned mayor, Katz initially gained popularity for slashing business taxes and lots of photo ops with the return of the Jets, but then found he had to raise taxes and fees to pay for stuff people wanted, resulting in the Winnipeg Sun naming him the Jerk of the Year.

London, Ontario - Joe Fontana

Some folks in London are demanding that Fontana resign because of his over-reliance on secret meetings and his heavy-handed eviction of the local Occupy group. He's also caught up in a battle between historic preservationists and new development. Otherwise, he's remarkably unremarkable. Boring, really.

Mississauga - Hazel McCallion

Canada's longest-serving mayor, McCallion was first elected in 1978. Mississauga has no city debt at all, and runs a fairly streamlined bureaucracy reflecting McCallion's "run it like a business" sensibilities, but the flip side of that is, well, it's Mississauga.

Montreal - Gérald Tremblay

Presiding over the most corrupt city government in North America (think: Goodfellas meet Boss Tweed), Tremblay scored as the most unpopular mayor in Canada in an October opinion poll. It's absolutely not true that the pollsters have been whacked.

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi is profiled to the left; Toronto mayor Rob Ford is in "Pop culture mayors," page 11. We couldn't think of anything worthwhile or interesting to say about any other Canadian mayors.