Granelli's children: Panos Gianoullis and Denma Peisinger | The Coast Halifax

Granelli's children: Panos Gianoullis and Denma Peisinger

New music: duo met in Jerry Granelli's band and are learning the basics of free jazz from the senior musician.

Denma Peisinger is living with master jazz percussionist and composer Jerry Granelli, doing an "old-fashioned apprenticeship." Peisinger, who plays bass, and guitarist Panos Gianoullis met while studying with Granelli in a program teaching free jazz to young musicians at the Atlantic Jazz Festival. They have been collaborating recently, as well as playing in Granelli's ensemble and learning the basics of free jazz from the senior musician.

The ensemble is preparing for a June 18 show of songs Granelli wrote based on Michael Ondaatje's novel, Coming Through Slaughter, about jazzman Buddy Bolden.

Gianoullis and Peisinger were involved with other genres before getting into jazz seriously: Gianoullis plays bass with Their Majesties, while Peisinger has played in blues and reggae bands. Right now, Gianoullis is working on composing music he describes as "indie raucous," bringing together jazz and rock influences, inspired by artists like Final Fantasy and the Dirty Projectors, and hoping to record soon.