Best Twitterer 2013 | Public Life

Best of Halifax

Best Twitterer

Gold Winner Allison Sparling

Silver Winner Lauren Oostveen

Bronze Winner Kate Leth

“I can’t beat Lauren!” screams Allison Sparling into the phone when we tell her she’s won the Best Twitterer category. Lauren is Lauren Oostveen, who has won the past three years, and takes the silver this year. “Lauren is a mentor,” explains Sparling. “She’s not much older than me, so totally understands what I’m going through, and what it’s like. We’re both awkward people who have bangs and are kind of nerdy.” Sparling and Oostveen relationship deepened when they each found themselves live-tweeting Mad Men. “So we decided to get together and do it in person, and that’s how we really became friends,” says Sparling. Her own approach to tweet? “It’s very seasonal,” she says. “Now that politics and baseball are over, I guess I’ll have to do some existential soul-searching. Basically, I’m a rabble rouser with a sense of humour.” Sparling will soon graduate with degree in public relations from Mount Saint Vincent, although she’s been working for several years in “not-so-techy tech jobs,” and is currently contracting with Students Nova Scotia for web development work.
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