Halifax - Not so Honest After All | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Halifax - Not so Honest After All

Posted on Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:38 AM

We all misplace, lose, or forget our personal items at times. It just happens. It's happened to me a few times over the years here and I've been fortunate each time to have my things returned. A coat, wallet, bike, and hockey gear to be exact. I was pleasantly surprised and had an instant "Like" for Haligonians and their honest actions. I've recently had a string of bad luck and left a backpack behind by mistake at a popular downtown eatery and lost a phone at a local watering hole. I hoped that someone would have made an effort to return my property considering in both cases my information was clearly obtainable to trace it back to me, the rightful owner. Honest hearts produce honest actions. Perhaps the long, cold harsh winter has frozen the hearts of some of this cities residents. Or, maybe we just live among a discouraging amount of dishonest people. Either way, I'd like to send out a HUGE FUCK YOU to the PIECE OF SHIT COCKSUCKER who claimed my bag for his own and another GO FUCK YOURSELF PRICK to whoever found my hardly worth taking, older model smartphone and couldn't use the email address clearly marked on it to return it back to me. Karma ... will find you. —Shit Out Of Luck

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