Idiots!! | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, July 24, 2014


Posted on Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 12:17 PM

I feel that there are much better places to spend our tax dollars than paintnig busses because a company wanted to change a name of their busses that barely work!!! We have DISGUSTING roads, nauseating traffic jams for seemingly no reason at all other than shitty drivers and stupid road placement. I would blame it on accidents as well however, 80% of the slow traffic from an accident is from the nosey mother fuckers driving by, who have to ostrich neck at the accident and drive 20 kph to catch every single detail! We should spend the money on 2 extra lanes on highways, WORKING busses and better schedules that are actually followed. NOT a stupid paint job. —Ugly restaurants have the best food

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