Milk with that tea? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Milk with that tea?

Posted on Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:23 PM

I realize it's a company sign from years ago, but whether we drank the tea or not, the sign has been part of Halifax for decades now. And it's not even so much that there is change, but it was agreed upon to leave the sign, period. However, some firm from Toronto that is obviously unconcerned with anything but the homogenization of the western world, has just made the choice regardless. Based on that act of disrespect, what else is going on with that development that isn't in plain sight? Shame on the city for working with these people in the first place. It should be local developers, supporting local workers and respecting their home town, who do major renovations to the face of the city. —Nuff Said

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