Wrong Cuts | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wrong Cuts

Posted on Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:44 AM

As an employee who is forced to pay into a pension - that I have no illusions will be there for me when I retire - why it is this government is focused on forcing DHAs to be a part of unsustainable and expensive pension and benefit program at the detriment of patient care? If the province wants the hospitals to live within their means, they will have to give them the tools to enable them to spend their budgets as they see fit. I'd be more than happy to donate the $10,000 I am forced to steal from taxpayers for a "pension" that is a condition of employment - thanks to NS government policies - that I'll never see, and get my $4000 a year back I am forced to contribute as well - if it meant good and competent employees wouldn't need to be fired, and that patient care would be affected the least amount possible. I think government has to get its priorities straight - Do they want to make their buddies at the NSAHO and the insurance companies happy - or patients - which is it? —No Illusions

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