Our Lovely Insurance Industry | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Lovely Insurance Industry

Posted on Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:50 AM

Insurance companies are thieves. Some of the premiums they charge are disgusting, and you better hope you never have to make a claim. They're all a bunch of slimy snakes. I should know: I worked for one... for about two weeks then quit when I realized how they're all just a bunch of assholes who do whatever they can to get out of paying what they agreed to. They claim they're all about their customers. Meanwhile they do everything they can not to have to actually help said customers all the while brainwashing their employees into thinking they're the second coming of Christ.

Nationalize the insurance industry. Home, auto, commercial -- all of it! I mean, it's mandatory to have personal liability insurance on an auto policy, for instance, yet totally common to have a policy that costs more per year than the actual value of the vehicle! How the hell does THAT happen? Fuck them all. Assholes. —Doesn't Want to Work for Thieves Anymo'

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