Long memories, short sights | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Long memories, short sights

Posted on Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 10:12 AM

To the "owner" of the brew pub who kicked me out indefinitely for... ???

I visited a well-known South End establishment tonight for a couple of drinks and dinner. I've been a patron here for seven years and have experienced nothing but good service and good times. Tonight, I met up with a couple of friends for said good times. We sat at a table, had some drinks. Had some food. Ordered another drink and, half-way through, were told we had to move, the table was supposed to have been reserved but they'd neglected to throw up the sign. "Fine," we'd said. "After our drink we'll go." And we did. Paid our bills. Thanked our waiter. Thought we were owed some sort of compensation, a free drink for helping them out, but didn't push it. The owner followed us up the stairs and told us never to come back. What? Why? "For giving my waiter a hard time" A hard time? By leaving? Paying? Tipping 15 per cent? She followed us out and took our picture. I have been a loyal customer for seven years. I order food, drinks. Pay my bill. I have two degrees and a professional job, as does my friend. We accommodated their request; helped to fix their mistake. There was no reason to treat us this way. —Long memories, short sights

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