Bobby are a dick | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bobby are a dick

I was at the Q104 concert last Friday at the Cunard Centre, when my almost perfect night was ruined by radio personality none other than Bobby Mac. After waiting weeks to see some of my favourite artists (Matt Mays, Sam Roberts, Joel Plaskett), and payin

Posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:55 PM

Published December 02, 2008.Bobby are a dick

I was at the Q104 concert last Friday at the Cunard Centre, when my almost perfect night was ruined by radio personality none other than Bobby Mac. After waiting weeks to see some of my favourite artists (Matt Mays, Sam Roberts, Joel Plaskett), and paying $40.00 for my ticket, a drunken Bobby Mac came out and took it all away. The Q104 team had organized a great event and everything was going well. The bands were awesome! Just before 5440 came out, Bobby Mac got up on stage to begin auctioning off a couple guitars. He brought two female coworkers out with him, introducing them by talking about their awesome "racks" and all of the sexual acts he wanted to perform on them. He was disguisting, and completley out of line. To make matters worse, after being a sexist pig, he began insulting people who were bidding thousands of dollars by calling them ugly and stupid, then told one woman he wanted to fuck her after she raised the current bid. I couldn't believe this local media figure was representing his station in such a grotesic way. It is people like him that have taken equality and feminism and thrown them out the window. He has lost my respect and has lost me as a listener...Fuck you Bobby Mac!!


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