Night nurses from hell | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Night nurses from hell

I work as a housekeeper for Capital Health. I am sick and tired of nurses looking down on us because we are “housekeepers,” worthless, invisible, except when we’re needed to assist one of you evil trolls. Some of us are in SCHOOL, working at this crap-as

Posted on Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:27 AM

I work as a housekeeper for Capital Health. I am sick and tired of nurses looking down on us because we are “housekeepers,” worthless, invisible, except when we’re needed to assist one of you evil trolls. Some of us are in SCHOOL, working at this crap-ass job to pay tuition. Perhaps you should sit down and realize a hospital is a team environment, and without housekeeping you would be wading in piles of your own fucking filth. Someday, I hope I am in a position to make you feel as worthless as you make us feel.

Clean and not worthless

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