Jobs in Halifax? I think not... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jobs in Halifax? I think not...

Anyone seeking employment in the HRM like myself? What I've come to find out is that Halifax is just a pool of call centres or crappy behind the counter jobs at your local fast food restaurant. Nothing really worth your while (if you know what I mean).A

Posted on Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 9:47 AM

Anyone seeking employment in the HRM like myself? What I've come to find out is that Halifax is just a pool of call centres or crappy behind the counter jobs at your local fast food restaurant. Nothing really worth your while (if you know what I mean).

And here's the kicker: If you actually find anything worth doing for more than 6 months...good luck getting the job. Halifax prides itself on the motto "it's not what you's who you know".

How logical is that???

Frustrated Job Seeker

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