Jumped The Shark | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Jumped The Shark

Apparently in the short time (Less than a year) since I left Auburn Drive High School, it's become such a waste of space. It makes me glad that I was lucky enough to graduate from there before all these problems arose because If I was forced to go to sch

Posted on Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 8:37 AM

Apparently in the short time (Less than a year) since I left Auburn Drive High School, it's become such a waste of space. It makes me glad that I was lucky enough to graduate from there before all these problems arose because If I was forced to go to school in a place where the idiot student populace have race wars over "alleged sexual assaults" I think I'd stay home too.

Congratulations Auburn, you've jumped the shark.

Last Worthwhile Graduating Class

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