Gas regulations | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Gas regulations

What's up with the gas prices in this province?!! I travel regularly to NB and they pay close to 10 cents less for the same fuel!!! (105.5 in Moncton)I know they just got a tax break in NB but does it explained this discrepancy alone?. I thought the ga

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 2:54 PM

Published April 19, 2007.Gas regulations

What's up with the gas prices in this province?!! I travel regularly to NB and they pay close to 10 cents less for the same fuel!!! (105.5 in Moncton)I know they just got a tax break in NB but does it explained this discrepancy alone?. I thought the gas regulations was supposed to put a cap on the price we're being charge not allow every gas station to charge us the same max price!!!

Fed up from being ripped off

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