Letters to the Editor | The Coast Halifax

Letters to the Editor

So let me see if i get this right....when there is the threat of a storm (Hurricane/tropicalstorm/such as Ike) the price of fuel goes up .13 cents or so per liter. But if there is no threat of a storm, if we have a month of peaceful weather , no extreme weather systems, does the price go down .13 cents per liter? I don't think so! What we have are investors GAMBLING that the price of oil will rise. What we have is NSPI executives and shareholders GAMBLING that oil prices will rise, this year warranting a 12% incease and, based on speculation, another 12% next year. Price increases for salaries and shareholder premiums. Prices increases from profits from an essential human need, heat and warmth during the winter! What we have is a country that exports oil and gas to the US yet we have our home heating and fuel oil prices set by the NY commodity market and every storm, great or small, that comes ashore in Galveston or New Orleans. We are once again, as average consumers, the victims of and at the mercy of commodity specutalors. Stick it to the man and park your car, take a bus or walk! And, turn down the heat,put on a sweater! and......!!!!

Garth Wickens, Dartmouth

By Garth Wickens